What is different about physical therapy visit at Newburyport Wellness? The model of practice that I have adopted at Newburyport Wellness is to develop a partnership of support and holistic care for my patients. Evaluations are total body so that I can discern the exact causes and effects an injury might have on related body structures. I spend 1.5 hours of 1:1 time with clients during this time. Follow ups are always 60 minutes of a 1:1 session without interruptions or overlapping with other patients. You might receive a video of exercises or other supportive strategies tailored for you and/or a detailed personalized chart of exercises. You can always call or email with any questions about your exercises between sessions.
Do you take insurance? Newburyport Wellness is a fee for service clinic, meaning payment is required at the time of service. Newburyport Wellness believes in the highest quality of care that is not dictated by insurance regulations, but by your goals as a client. PT in network does not mean it is free. Most people have copays, co-insurances and deductibles to meet. Your fees at Newburport Wellness may infact be less than that if you were to see a PT in network.
Newburyport Wellness is considered an out of network provider. Please contact your insurance company and ask about your out of network benefits. Upon request, you will be given a detailed receipt that you can submit to your insurance or health/flex spending account so you may be reimbursed for Physical Therapy services. Newburyport Wellness is not a Medicare provider. Wellness services are not typically covered by insurance. A Physician referral is no longer required for Physical Therapy, although some insurance companies may still require one. Telehealth is available!
Do you just provide physical therapy? No. I have completed my Endometriosis Coaching Certification and Perimenopause Certification. I continue to work to progress my learning and expansion of insight in the progressive nature of holistic wellness coaching and treatment. My training in visceral therapy is critical to understanding the anatomical and physiological processes that servease key connections and potential drivers of pain and dysfunction. As a certified Performance Enhancement Specialist, I work with many clients on personal fitness goals and sports performance goals. My work in the fitness world varies from those that are just beginning an exercise program, to those aiming to reach a specific sport goal.
**Due to Medicare Laws, I am unable to treat client's who have Medicare insurance with skilled physical therapy. I can see clients for fitness who are eligible or take Medicare.